Locate the Mac Quarterback file to open. QBrv FONT Quit Are you sure you want to Change Weekly Pool Settings Print Game Results ATS Print Game Results Print Schedule with Spread Print Schedule Personalized Entry Forms are for the wrong week. files is for the wrong week. file However, were read successfully. files. The folder contained special picks files for week The folder does not contain any valid Locate a file in the folder. Read Special Picks Files Select Colors Can't change Scroll Window Colors. Sorry, Can't change Scroll Window colors. Are you sure you want to do this? all the changes you've made. Revert to Last Save will remove Export data to which file? Import data from which file? QSrv Select the Mac Quarterback file to open. Player Accounts % Landscape and Portrait and pages, set to For Standings Fourth Quarter Pot: $250/2nd: $100/3rd: $100 ea ThirdShare! = SecondShare! = FirstShare! = ThirdPct! = SecondPct! = FirstPct! = PoolShare! = PoolDollars! = Winner 1: Winners: - . 9 W Pct Lost Won Player W1 Winning Points Winning Picks Amt Pots Picks Standings for Week through Standings Page /3rd: /2nd: ea Pot: $ : , : s Winner Quarter Period Half Fourth Third Second First Overall Season Team Names None Page Teams ( Print Pool Results View Pool Results % Landscape and Portrait and pages, set to For Pool Results Players' Confidence Points Pool Results for Round Pool Results for Week ) Identical Picks Groups Lost by Tie Breaker Tie Game Can Win Lost 3rd 2nd Won 000 Won9 9 ( (Tie Breaker) Players Picks /TP R Player Page Players Eliminated: Players Remaining: *Includes back fees for players entering after roll over. Net Value of Pool: Gross Value of Pool: : Balance from Week ) ( Manager's Fee: * Fees: Post Season Players: Initial Picks Round Week /3rd: /2nd: ea $ Possible Winners. Winner. Maximum Points Possible: Pool Carries Over No Winners. 14-4000 (-9277.75) Season Winners Pot: 999 9122.75 Balance from Week 16: (999) 0 20 UCLA - / R1/TP W-L Player Accounts Due Not Paid Sub * Indicates back fee for a roll over week. : Season Winners Account: Season Winners Account:$9999.99 Manager Fees: Value of All Pools: Player Accounts through Week Total.... Page 99 None t Credit Paid Ahead Player Amount Sub Week . .... 9.99 Paid Ahead Accounts Page ... , 11,12,13,14,15 .001 New Pool $ New Pool Are you sure you want to do that? choices to be lost. will cause each players confidence Changing to another pool type Are you sure you want those changes? the players' picks. that require redoing ALL of You've made changes to Weekly Settings roll over period and can't be undone. replace place values for all weeks of values during a roll over period will Any changes to 1st, 2nd, 3rd place dollar $ $ $ than the Entry Fee. Please re-do. but the amount to be deducted is more are to be taken from the Entry Fee You've indicated some deductions $ $ $ $ Week - Weeks All $ 0 $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ Please re-enter the percentages. you entered do not total 100. must equal 100. The percentages Percent entries for place winners after it must be in dollars or 0. If you enter a dollar value, positions entry after a dollar entry above it. For a place winner you have a percent Pick the background color. Pick the text color. Text Background Set Same Type Set Front Window Set Colors will look like this. background and text Menu Window Click button for color picker. Select Menu Colors Select Window Colors Cancel Okay Vertical Horizontal Screen Size: X Maximum Window Size Show Buttons Splash Screen Buttons Style Size Font Format Format Preferences New: Can't be marked as unpaid. has paid the fee in advance. Please re-enter the picks. A player may not have more than . Please re-check player's picks. has too many picks. hasn't enough picks. Do you wish to re-enter the picks? without entering the player's pick. You have entered confidence points Is that correct? are identical to those of 's picks Please enter the Tie Breaker Points. for the Tie Breaker points. You do not have a valid entry the player has paid or not paid. You have not indicated whether Check for invalid or duplicate numbers. indicates an error in the entries. The sum total of the confidence points Do you wish to continue? the player's name or clear the picks. If you wish to continue, either enter You haven't entered the player's name. Enter Name Here Name Duplicate since opening the picks window? account changes you may have made opening the picks window? picks you've entered since Do you wish to keep the other You have chosen Cancel. Enter Name Here Correct Player Picks New Player Player Click on Team Name to Highlight/Unhighlight Player's Pick. Player's Pick. Highlight/Unhighlight Click on Team Name to Tie Breaker Total Score Link Cancel Finished Next Not Paid Paid Player Confidence Points Player Picks for : Week San Francisco at San Francisco Inactive Players Link: Primary Player: None Link: OFF Click on Team Name to Highlight Favored Team. Highlight Favored Team. Click on Team Name to Cancel OK Correct Point Spreads San Francisco at San Francisco Point Spreads for Round : Week Point Spreads OFF OFF at Player Names Page Players ( Player Links cont. 9 None Secondary Primary (Links) Player Links Game Results ATS: Week Game Results: Week through Schedule: Week Game Results ATS Schedule with Spread Game Results Schedule San Francisco 999 (999 +10.5) at San Francisco 999 San Francisco +10.5 at San Francisco (Mon) San Francisco 999 at San Francisco 999 San Francisco at San Francisco (Mon) , at ( (OFF) OFF ) ( + + (Even) Even continued. Page : Week (999) Player 999 Team Secondary Primary (Links) WWW Any mistakes on the master sheet must will be ready to pick up at 5pm on Friday. 9999Amoun 999Sub Paid in 9999Amount 999Sub 99999999...25 99999,22 Not Paid9 99 9W 9Points n 9Wo 1.999 9999 9 999.9 Point Size Season Standings Season Winners Settings A Previous Week's Setting;(- A Previous Week's Setting New Settings Weeks 1 to to Season Settings;(- Enter Scores Week Enter Player Picks Enter Player Picks Week Enter Point Spreads Week Enter Schedule Round Enter Schedule Week Schedule Complete ! Change Pool Settings/ Enter or Change Player Names;(- Enter or Change Team Names Edit Player Accounts;Link Player Accounts;(- (-;Enter Scores Week 1;Change Scores…;Reset Team Records;(- Read Special Picks File (-;Enter Player Picks;Change Player Picks… (-;Enter Point Spreads;Change Point Spreads Enter Schedule Week 1;Change Schedule… Standings Inactive Active (-;New Team -Z Teams Teams A- Teams A-Z View Master Sheet Master Sheet Round Master Sheet Initial Picks Master Sheet Week Master Sheet PICT File Master PICT Week p Print Master Sheet Initial Picks Round Tie Breaker Scores X • Monday Night Game to Date Week Winning Picks Winning Points Initial Picks Round : Week Page Master Sheet % Landscape and Portrait and pages, set to For / $ Winners. Winner. Pot carries over. No Winners. Winning Points Week Prize Points = 667 - OFF - Even + at PICT Save PICT as... after week There's no data to be transported. hasn't any schedule entered (From) (To) To: From: Scores Spreads Schedule thru s No Data Transported exported for week imported for week ? Do you wish those teams added to than has more teams The team names must also be transported. match. Data can't be exchanged. doesn't don't , Therefore, data cannot be exchanged. do not match. a total of teams in common. Of those, have and data and needs to be converted. version file that can't exchange is an earlier Once transported, this can not be undone. Do you still want to transport the teams? . schedules in Transporting team names will erase the New Pool Do you wish to save the changes? will cause all changes to be lost. Closing You've altered the File to be saved as QSrvMcQS QBse wish the player added to the pool? from another player. Do you This may be a new player linked is not in the pool. Drv.ext Confg CnfgLWxt Mac QB Prefs QBPfMcQB Preferences View Entry Form Entry Form Week Entry Form PICT Print Entry Form thru Tie Breaker Total Score Tie Breaker T at 9 Name: Name:_______________________ Initial Picks , Week Off ( 9at9 ___ __ - Even + ) ( - Restore Save Include Teams' Won-Lost Records Comment: Directions: Optional Directions and Comments Initial Picks Entry Form Picks Entry Form Week Won-Lost Records Prior to Week Cancel OK T L W Team ' DELETED Can't Delete DELETED Enter/Edit Player Names Previous Page Next Page Delete Player the same as the number of post season teams. The number of teams you enter must be in this pool. You've entered post season teams There are wish to enter the second team? The entry will be cleared OR do you has a game with only one team entered. Schedule for week Duplicate:Game Mon the scores as well. means you will have to change Schedule changes to week Correct Schedule Schedule for Schedule for Round Schedule Finished Next at . No games have been played... Correct Scores Enter Scores at Clear Cancel OK Scores for , : Week # Scores for Round Scores existing windows. another window, close one of the has been reached. In order to open The maximum number of open windows $ Due Points Pct Lost Won Prize Pots (Click week to switch between paid and not paid.) Owes Roll Over Fee 000 Played but Didn't Pay9 Played but Didn't Pay Paid Ahead 000 Not Played9 Not Played 000 Played and Paid9 Played and Paid 9 Weekly Status Through Week Current Status: Active Inactive 88 000 9Points 99 9Pct Lost99 Won99 Unlink Link to another. from one from one Primary Account to another. can be switched Secondary Accounts can be switched Link to -> Link Secondary Accounts Primary Account for fees from other players (secondary accounts). For player (primary account) who is responsible Link Accounts <- First Previous Next Cancel Finished Total Page 999.99 None nt Due Not Paid Player Paid Amount Sub Weeks . .... 9.99 * Indicates back fee for a roll over week. Monaco Season Winner Totals: $ Manager Fees: $ Value of All Pools: $ Player Accounts through Week Account Balance through Week ... , * 11,12,13,14,15 DELETED DELETED DELETED DELETED this routine can continue. ALL items must be entered before Information is incomplete. before continuing? Do you wish to check those items appear to be missing. entries Some 0 No team found Team unclear Sun DELETED New Team - New team names can not be entered. number of teams allowed. You have reached the maximum DLOG Page # . into week Dupl Duplicate ??? Can't Delete New Pool to New File. From Parlay Pool Pick-5 Prize Points: % Landscape Portrait Height in Pixels: Width in Pixels: Printer's Maximum Print Area Hold down the ⌘ key and type a period. To abort printing: / , ) ( Player 00 .000 - .00 0